12. apr 2007

Google maps mashups

Google maps real-time tracking

Helsinki public transport mashup takes the locations of buses and trams in the Helsinki City transport network and plots their real-time location to a Google Map for you to watch, live!

Click on the vehicle and and the info-window gives you the option to show the route this it's traveling, plot the stops and also center the map on that bus/tram as it makes its way around the city. Watch the times to each stop as well. It's an invaluable tool to Helsinkians or tourists, as well as fun and addictive to watch for the rest of us! Very nicely done! [Via GoogleMapsMania]

Google Mapplets: Mashups Of Mashups

A new feature in Google Maps, Mapplets, places data overlays onto your map - like movie times, crime rates and real estate prices. Mapplets just makes different mashups available on Google Maps proper, instead of having to go to another site to see them.

Mapplets are available at the developer preview. Once you add a few, a "Mapplets" tab appears in your Maps interface. Hit the video for a Mapplets demonstration courtesy of Google. More...

Trulia Hindsight

Trulia Hindsight is an animated map of homes in the United States from Trulia. The animations use the year the properties were built to show the growth of streets, neighborhoods and cities over time. View the map »

Google Maps Street View

Google launched a new feature for Google Maps that will include a street-level view. Good way to make street level maps useful as well as impressive to look at.

It's cool to virtually drive down the street,to search for driving directions, and then actually see the route before getting in the car. See also Google Maps Street View promotional video:

Windows Live Street View literally puts in in the drivers seat — though you have to admit it’s kinda crappy and appears to have been abandoned.

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